Upcoming Events (Go to our Calendar for more Information)
Welcome to the Gates County
Chamber of Commerce
Check our Calendar for many Local Events This Month
Welcome to our new 2013 Members
Rison Painting
Tall Cotton Graphics
Bennetts Creek Guest House
Jon Mendenhall
Bagleys PM Inc
To new residents and visitors, welcome! Our website will help you learn more about our community and all the resources, amenities, and services that are available to you from Gates County businesses. Long-time residents will find it handy too. You may discover you don´t have to leave town to shop or find services, its right here in Gates County!
Our website also has valuable information for Gates County business owners and those planning to relocate, expand, or open a business here. Gates County is a great place to live, work, and full of opportunities for new businesses.
Be prepared to tell how you are doing, because that is the greeting phrase most used "How Ya Doin´". Yes, you may be waved at, as you pass through, but don´t take it personal, we are just being friendly folks.